• $1.9 B

    annual revenue

  • $10.7 M

    spent on community investment

  • $435 M

    paid to governments
    (through taxes and royalties)

  • $193 M

    paid as employee wages and benefits

B2Gold team meeting with government officials in the Philippines, posing for a photo in front of official portraits and flags.


As a mining company operating in multiple countries, our long-term sustainability and success depend on ensuring that the communities we rely on benefit from our presence. Taxation is one of the most significant and direct ways we can contribute to the wellbeing of our operating jurisdictions.


B2Gold is committed to the transparency of our sustainability risks, management, and performance. We have reported in alignment with the GRI Standards since 2016, and in 2021 we added the SASB Standard as a reporting framework to our Responsible Mining Report. While the GRI Standards help companies communicate their sustainability impacts, the SASB Standard was designed to help companies communicate how different sustainability issues impact a company’s long-term value.

Solar plant worker inspects electrical control systems in a facility.
Workers inspecting solar panels on a large solar farm under a bright sky.


B2Gold is committed to maximizing local and national economic benefits from our contracting and purchasing. We are aware of the high priority that host communities and governments place on local procurement. In sourcing the goods and services necessary to run our operations, we give preference to local businesses where possible, provided they meet minimum safety, quality, ethical, and cost requirements.


As a responsible gold miner, B2Gold aims to create and distribute economic value among our stakeholders.

Our economic performance is measured by the economic value that we generate for others, including payments to governments through taxes and royalties, local hiring and procurement, and investment in communities.

Aerial view of the Goose Project site with construction and equipment.