

    Female representation
    on the Board



    Local employment



    Female representation
    in senior positions



    Female representation



    Lost Time Injury
    Frequency Rate

Three construction workers wearing green helmets and protective gear pose in front of a construction site.


B2Gold’s People Management Policy defines our Company principles regarding our people and our workplace. It outlines the Company’s commitment to basic rights and freedoms and sets out how we contract, support, develop, and engage with employees to ensure a respectful, equitable and sustainable work environment. Using this policy as a benchmark, our operations have localized policies, programs, and plans that are suited to each unique national setting. We regularly review our approach to people and workplace management through monitoring industry practices, alignment with changing stakeholder expectations, and engagement with employees through various committees and channels.


As a responsible miner, our goal is to ensure the safe exploration and production of gold. We believe that protecting the health, wellness and safety of our workers, contractors, and the communities in which we operate are paramount.

We believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that everyone who works for us goes HOME-SAFE after every shift and work rotation. HOME-SAFE is an initiative launched in 2022 aimed at instilling individual and collective ownership for safety in our workforce by focusing on two key elements: engagement and continuous improvement.

Team training in rescue operations with ropes and safety gear.
Group of workers from B2Gold Mali in a warehouse with safety helmet.


Our commitment to local employment is stated in our People Management Policy and is guided by our Local Content Performance Standard, which promotes strategies to enhance employment directly from the regions in which we operate. Our local employment objectives consider the demographics and empowerment initiatives of our respective national settings, while embedding our inclusive culture to attract talent from around the world.


We are proud of our diversity and our people value working in a multi-cultural setting and the experience it provides. B2Gold remains committed to improving our performance in the areas of equity, diversity and inclusion, and we strive to eliminate employment barriers that hinder equal opportunities.

Nighttime photo of a female miner posing with a truck at the mine.
Group of workers in safety gear with helmets, gathered inside an industrial facility.


B2Gold is committed to investing in our people through training and professional development, performance management, workplace initiatives, and opportunities for career advancement.

B2Gold uses mentorship, development and understudy programs, job rotation, and other activities to broaden skills and experience. In addition, the Company provides various opportunities to build capacity in the national workforce through bursaries, scholarships, and internship opportunities offered to students to gain experience in their fields of study.


Discrimination or harassment of any kind is not tolerated within B2Gold, as stipulated in our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, People Management Policy, Human Rights Performance Standard, and in our regional Human Resources guidance policies.

In our Code, B2Gold is firm in its zero-tolerance of this type of behaviour and encourages employees to report any situation where they feel they were discriminated against or harassed.

Team of workers in safety vests and helmets posing outdoors, with a few sitting and others standing.
Group of workers in orange safety uniforms and helmets posing inside a control room.


Employee grievance mechanisms are accessible to all employees who need to report any complaints or grievances.

Grievances are handled in a confidential manner and without retribution. Handling employee grievances is the responsibility of the Human Resources department in each region, with support from the General Manager and other departments as required.


B2Gold respects the principles of freedom of association of its workforce and engages with employee stakeholders on employment matters with the aim of maintaining a positive workplace where employees are aware of their rights.

All our mines either have a recognized union or an employee representative body.

Group photo of workers in safety gear standing near a large Caterpillar machine.