Contact Us

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Corporate Office

b2gold corp.

Park Place
Suite 3400 – 666 Burrard Street
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6C 2X8

Telephone: +1 604 681 8371
Toll Free: +1 800 316 8855
Fax: +1 604 681 6209

Shareholder Enquiries

Transfer Agent and Registrar

For shareholder inquiries, lost certificates or address changes please contact Computershare, our transfer agent, at:

Computershare Investor Services Inc.
3rd Floor, 510 Burrard Street, Vancouver, British Columbia Canada V6C 3B9

Telephone: +1 604-661-9400
Fax: 604-661-9401

Investor Inquiries

Randall Chatwin

Senior Vice President, Legal & Corporate Communications

Michael McDonald

VP, Investor Relations & Corporate Development
Telephone: +1 604 681 8371

Media Enquiries

Cherry DeGeer
Director, Corporate Communications
Telephone: +1 604 681 8371

Country Offices

Fekola, Mali
Bamako Office:
Fekola SA
Rue 28, Porte 653
Cite du Niger 2
BPE 4855
Bamako, Mali

Telephone: +223 202 96485

Otjikoto, Namibia
Windhoek Office:
B2Gold Namibia Pty Ltd
No. 8 Sinclair Street
PO Box 80363
Olympia, Windhoek

Telephone: +264 61 295 8700
Masbate, The Philippines
Manila Office:
Filminera Resources Corporation
3rd Floor, Corinthian Plaza Building
121 Paseo de Roxas, Brgy. San Lorenzo
Makati City, 1229

Telephone: +63 2 855541000
Gramalote, Colombia
Medellin Office:
Carrera 42 #3 Sur-81, Torre 1, Oficina 605
Edificio Milla de Oro
Medellin, Colombia
Telephone: +57 608 608 9800
Back River, canada
Cambridge Bay Office:
10 Omilik Road
Cambridge Bay, Nunavut
X0B 0C0

Edmonton Office:
B2Gold Back River Corp.
201 – 3795 56 Ave E
Edmonton International Airport
Edmonton, Alberta
T9E 0V4
Telephone: +1 867 322 6840