• $1.7 M

    amount generated
    through RGB sales

  • Funds Invested

    and managed by an advisory
    committee of key partners

  • $230 K

    total funds
    dispersed in 2020

  • Sustainable

    Future rhino-themed bar and
    medallion ranges, enables fund
    to grow and become sustainable

Rangers from the Namibian Rhino Gold Bar initiative, using a smartphone to track rhinos.

Our principles of fairness, respect, transparency and accountability are part of our company’s corporate culture. We apply these globally across all of our corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) projects. Furthermore, as a Canadian responsible mining company, we demonstrate leadership by going beyond industry standards and continue raising the bar on our own performance.

The Namibian Rhino Gold Bar campaign is a striking example of our commitment to giving back to the Earth. In addition to minimizing our impact on the land in countries where we operate, we also go beyond what is required by investing in projects that have nothing to do with mining and everything to do with the protection of the planet and the quality of life for future generations.

1,000 ounces of gold makes an enormous difference.

Creative conservation and philanthropy for the future of our planet.

Rhinos could be gone, in our lifetime – if we let it happen. And not just rhinos. Extinction carries a domino effect: rural communities lose part of their heritage, jobs in tracking and tourism disappear, and their means of making an income are diminished. Hope for the future is extinguished. All of it gone.

With a groundbreaking donation of 1,000 ounces of gold from our Otjikoto Mine in north-central Namibia, we are producing 1,000 limited edition Namibian Rhino Gold Bars and, with investors like you, we are supporting communities in their work to secure a future for the last and largest population of free-roaming black rhinos left on Earth.

We are also redefining conservation financing. This initiative represents the first time that gold, a natural resource from the ground, is being used to provide sustainable financing to community-driven efforts to protect an iconic global treasure, the critically endangered black rhino.

We are proud to join forces with Save the Rhino Trust Namibia (SRT) and Rhino Rangers, two of the world’s foremost rhino conservation organizations, and other community-supported initiatives to offer a rare, limited edition gold bar.

Proceeds from the sale of the gold bars are used in two vital ways: a portion will be invested to provide long-term financing to community-driven efforts to protect Namibia’s black rhinos, while a conservation premium will be applied to activities in the field, ensuring that your support goes directly to the trackers, rangers and communities who live alongside wildlife.

Our Partners

Save the Rhino Trust - Namibia Integrated Rural Develpment and Nature Conservation Rhino Rangers Nambian Chamver of Environment